+603 5522 8589
9:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M
Monday - Friday
Closed on Public Holiday


The Group is aware of its corporate responsibility (CR) in ensuring the sustainability of the organisation and concurrently contributing to a better society. Hence, the Group is continuously integrating sustainability and social well-being into every aspect of its operations and working culture. The Group will continue to improve the organisation by doing business in a responsible manner and to support communities in ways that enhance the Groupís reputation with its employees, clients, business associates and other stakeholders.

CR in the Marketplace

The Group recognises that market confidence in its business operations and business conduct is of paramount importance to its continued success. Hence various best practices, policies and procedures on business ethics and values, good corporate governance and procurement policies, quality and stakeholder engagement, are enforced throughout the Group.

CR in the Workplace

The Group strongly believes that its employees is the key asset as they play a vital role in the success and sustainability of the Group and hence, constantly invests in its employees.

CR in the Environment

The Group endeavours to preserve the environment in all its project sites by practicing, amongst others, the following:

CR in the Community

The Group has always played its role in support of the community through sponsorship of worthy causes and the support of events that promote awareness on the communityís needs by supporting associations to organise events for the wider community.