+603 5522 8589
9:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M
Monday - Friday
Closed on Public Holiday


TRIplc Medical Sdn Bhd, dedicated to “Provision of Asset Management Services” to provide, so far as is practicable safe workplace and to prevent release of pollution to the environment, among employees, contractors, suppliers, vendors, visitors, interested parties and neighbours.

Without prejudice to the generality of the above statement, the Policy extended to the following;

  • Provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions for the prevention of work-related injury and ill health among employees
  • Commitment to the protection of the environment, including prevention of pollution and other specific commitment relevant to the context of the organization
  • Commitment to eliminate hazard and reduce safety and health risks on all activities
  • Provide framework for environmental and safety objectives and targets are set and reviewed
  • Comply with all legal requirements and other requirements on health, safety and environment
  • Commitment to continual improvement as organization driver, based firmly in the team participation
  • Consultation and participation of employee and its representative
  • Review this Policy as and when appropriate and to ensure it is understood by all employees and is available to all interested parties

The management of TRIplc Medical Sdn Bhd assume as his own responsibility to exercise the leadership of these basic elements and generate value through the operational activity, for employees, shareholders and the interested parties in general by the achievement of positive result in the management of the organization. All employees must understand the Health, Safety and Environmental Policy and this policy made available to all relevant interested parties.