+603 5522 8589
9:00 A.M - 5:00 P.M
Monday - Friday
Closed on Public Holiday


TRIplc Berhad is committed to achieving quality by consistently meeting the contractual obligations and requirements while complying with all relevant regulation and legislations.

We are committed to improve the performance and competency of our employees through continuous training development programs.

We strive to be recognized by our customers, contractors and shareholders as a reliable and efficient project manager, builder and service provider.

We will continually improve in every aspect of our business for the betterment of TRIplc Berhad, employees and our interested parties.


TRIplc Berhad is committed to achieving and meeting the following objectives:

  1. To provide excellent quality, effective and efficient facilities management services.
  2. To meet customer satisfaction.
  3. To ensure accurate and timely issuance of payment certificate for all contractors, suppliers and service providers.
  4. To ensure the control of document is continuously updated and the quality control at site is monitored as per quality assurance requirements.
  5. Upon request to process purchase and delivering efficiently.
  6. To enhance skills and competency of employees through continuous training and development programs.

To ensure achievability and suitability, the above objectives shall be reviewed for continual improvement.